Indonesia Trademark Database 

Search DGIP's official Indonesia trademark database for research before applying for a new trademark. Check availability & brand status to prevent rejection. Get a free consultation by email or visit our website at

Indonesia has developed a national trademark database system that serves as an official repository containing vital information on the hundreds of thousands of marks registered in the country. 

This continually updated Indonesia Trademark Database acts as a critical reference tool for businesses to conduct searches prior to applying for a new mark. Wise brands utilize the database early on to uncover relevant data that can strengthen applications and avoid unintended conflicts resulting in rejection down the line. 

While still improving in user-friendliness, Indonesia's trademark database allows both local and international companies to analyze relevant records, study trademark availability, evaluate legitimacy of registered users, and formulate registration strategies aligned with actual market dynamics. 

Overview of the Indonesia Trademark Database 

Indonesia's Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) manages the country’s sole legitimate trademark register and database system as authorized under the country’s IP laws. 

The Indonesia Trademark Database contains a vast catalog of hundreds of thousands trademarks filed, registered, and even rejected over decades—with new records added daily as applications enter the DGIP review pipeline. 

This expands every year as more consumer brands enter Indonesia or file for added protections. The database encompasses word marks, logos, slogans, packaging designs, and non-traditional marks spanning all commercial categories. 

Key Benefits of Consulting Indonesia Trademark Database 

Accessing and filtering through Indonesia’s vast trademark database early delivers several advantages for brands developing market-entry IP strategies: 

Checking Mark Availability 

The database allows instant searches to reveal conflicting earlier marks and verify if a brand’s desired identity is still available for registration and authority to use in commerce. 

Risk Reduction in Application Stage 

Discovering potentially conflicting marks beforehand minimizes DGIP rejection risks on grounds of visual/phonetic similarity, or identical presence in related commercial categories. 

Researching Industry Competition 

The database provides trademark data revealing key competitors, their range of goods/services protected, longevity in the market, among other intelligence to understand the competitive landscape. 

Establishing Legitimate Use Rights 

Users can validate if another party does indeed have legitimate documentation or fraudulent claims over use of one’s brand identifiers through exploring database search results and registration certificates. 

Navigating Indonesia Trademark Database Website 

While Indonesia’s trademark database platform has a rather dated interface and limited tools, users can still perform various levels of searching: 

Basic Word Mark Queries Users can input brand names, slogans or other text to scan if identical or highly similar marks exist. However, this requires knowing the exact wording. 

Advanced Filters Based on Nice Classification The site allows filtering huge data sets by Nice Classification codes categorizing commercial areas to uncover trademarks registered in the user’s industry. 

Using Multiple Filter Combinations Layer filters by dates, registration status, location of registrants and other data sets available to narrow searches effectively and drill down amid hundreds of thousands of records. 

Analyzing Full Registration Details Select individual search results to access the complete application and registration details—uncovering trademarked goods/services details, rejection causes, ownership changes, among vital data. 

Scope of Available Data in Indonesia Trademark Database 

While Indonesia's trademark repository contains vast entries, seekers of comprehensive intelligence should note current limitations in transparency and disclosure in the registration system. Available data fields cover: 

Registrant Information 

This includes local/overseas owners of record for live or expired trademarks, but lacks transparency around actual current usage rights. 

Date of Application/Registration 

Key dates provide sense of longevity but not full timeline clarity. Rejection and re-attempts cycle history removed after final registration approval. 

Classification of Goods/Services 

Nice Classification codes designated for the trademark appear but lack specifics of localized product details beyond the general category. 

Status and Renewal Timeline 

Current registered/rejected/expired status shown but renewal/removal future timeline left unclear without manual verification steps by users. 

Contact Data 

Registrant contact information showed but tends not to list licensing, transferring and operational contacts directly managing regional activity of global trademarks. 

Overcoming Challenges in the Indonesia Trademark Database 

For the most robust searches to inform branding decisions, users need to apply workarounds given aspects of Indonesia’s trademark database that currently provide challenges: 

Website Interface Limitations 

The interface remains relatively outdated compared to other national IP databases—with graphics/features useful for intuitive navigation lacking. Requires learning specific steps to reach desired data filters. 

Narrow Technical Search Capabilities 

For example, inability to search logo image files or non-English word marks. Must have exact text or classification codes rather than explore wider conceptual matches. 

Spotty Data Detail and Standardization 

No centralized structure around disclosure of registration details. Rely on very brief DGIP notes that can lack vital contextual insights needed. 

Despite areas needing upgrades in user-experience and depth of transparency, Indonesia’s national trademark database still empowers brands to uncover decision-critical intelligence. Wise entities expend effort to properly harness available data in order to reinforce and optimize their trademark protection applications. We are IP consultants Patendo who have 10 years of experience and are ready to help protect your brand in Indonesia, please visit